Tropical Deli Café

Tropical Deli Café is a multi-functional space located on the first floor of Museum of National Taipei University of Education. It is operated by hospitality consulting firm ‘Chan Shuo’ in collaboration with a team of prominent Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-Liang. In order to complete the interior design, Tsai and his team created large-scale wood installations on the ceiling as well as video installations.

「熱帶 Tropical Deli Café」是位於台北教育大學之北師美術館一樓的複合式空間,由專業餐飲顧問團隊「蟬說」負責策劃及營運,並與蔡明亮導演之團隊進行合作,於店內天花板、櫃台、牆面等設立了裝置以及動態影像作品,完成此一複合形式的藝術咖啡廳。

︎Design Solution
For this project, we have created an organic, fern-leaf shaped logo and elaborated into more basic elements. With a combination of those elements and different colors, we created 16 intriguing plant images and applied them on different items in the store. These basic elements can still be combined and recreated into new plant images, which is just like the mysterious ecosystem of the real tropical forests, with numerous new species waiting to be discovered.

我們創造了一個具有機形態,造型如同蕨類葉片的標誌(Logo),並藉由該標誌延伸出其他基本造型。透過組合基本造型及不同配色,我們創造出16株造型奇趣 的植物,並將這些植物應用於店內各項目上。而這些基本造型仍可持續組合、增長,就如同那些真正生長於熱帶雨林中的神秘植物們一般,尚待挖掘與探索。

Year: 2017
Client: Tropical Deli Café / Chan Shuo
Strategy: Kelly Chen
Art Direction: Jay Guan-Jie Peng
Graphic Design: Jay Guan-Jie Peng
Photography: Tropical Deli Café / Chan Shuo
Print: 山山印刷

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